Kathmandu Nepal

Curious Kathmandu

You certainly see interesting sights in Kathmandu; extraordinary even. Observing the dogs with their red tikka mark and garlanded with flowers was striking, but there were many other things that attracted my interest too, like a vendor of flutes, all tied together on top of a pole, like a tree.

        The flute vendor
                          Goddess Kali

Then there were the goats tied up outside the temple to Kali (ominous sign this) and of course Kali herself, looking terrifying as she always does, with a knife in one hand and a severed human head in the other.

This is an old residential district of narrow streets cluttered with traffic, full of beautiful if dilapidated old buildings and confused tangles of electrical wiring everywhere overhead.

          Spaghetti junction


Juxtaposed with more conventional looking dress or jewellers shops and pharmacy stores are a wide array of stalls selling fruit, vegetables, flowers, sweets, shoes, meat, brass ornaments and vessels for ritual use, and even frightening masks for scaring evil spirits away. It can be challenging walking around here, navigating the throng of pedestrians, motorcyclists and vendors of every sort, trying not to get run over.

                          Fishy business


                                 Look behind you!