Lakeside Nepal Travel

The Lotus Eaters

It’s now three days since I returned from Sarankgot and life has predictably settled back down into much the same rhythm it had before I left. But I’m hopeful I can manage the challenges of commune living with a little more grace and detachment. The folk here, at least up here on the floor where […]

Nepal Travel

To Be a Pilgrim

It’s pouring with rain again, harder than ever. After the brief respite of a day, one sunset and a few stars we’re back to full on monsoon. It’s hard to imagine where all this water comes from. Fortunately most of the families here about have harvested their maize, ploughed and flooded the paddies (easy in […]

Lakeside Nepal Travel

Shiva’s Land

At last I think the weather has changed, or certainly is changing. Following days of intense rains and nightly electric storms wreaking widespread havoc and destruction, building to a crescendo with a night long thunder storm like an overhead bombardment, then a full day of torrential rain, yesterday, there was a gradual easing off and […]

Lakeside Nepal Travel

Green hills and wet fields

The hillsides echo now to shouts from men ploughing the rice paddies, navigating the teams of oxen along the narrow field lines flooding with water. Women crouch plucking the young rice plants from the nursery plots ready for replanting in the fields. It is pouring with rain, and everything is soaked. The monsoon season marks […]

Kathmandu Nepal Travel

And now Nepal

Phewa lake, Pokhara Day dawns to the sound of the continued heavy rain of the night and the cheerful croaking of a legion of frogs from the drenched rice paddies below. Clouds cling smokelike to the hillsides, enveloping the forest in their long undulating and misty caresses. The valley echoes to the raucous angry shouts […]